The future of PCT

People are always debating… Clomid, or Nolva.. or Both for Post cycle therapy (PCT) But you might be missing out on something potentially far more important.. IGF-1 (DES)*or*(LR3).
First though lets have a quick look at the arguments for Nolvadex and Clomid.
Nolvadex does promote estrogen in the liver so improving cholesterol, and it does stimulate LH, As for lowering IGF i myself cant find any real evidence to say it does or doesnt, Clomid on the other hand is something i just cant understand being used.
It increases ocular pressure and long term use will cause permanent damage to eyesight.. PERMANENT.
Clomid has also been known to produce a decrease in the LH response to LH releasing hormone
Quote from a study..Treatments with idiopathic oligospermia for six to nine months resulted in a significant increase in gonadotropin testosterone and estradiol levels. A significant increase in sperm density was observed only in subjects with low sperm count below normal basal FSH levels. In cases where sperm density increased, FSH levels decreased, suggesting an inhibitory effect.

You at the end of the day must choose your own weapon or poison… im still undecided.. but there is something you can add that will really help minimize muscle loss and speed recovery which in PCT is essentially the aim of the game.

Research has shown GH to be vitally important in testicular function, but it is generally accepted that the beneficial effects are directly mediated by HGHs conversion to IGF-1 As many of you know, IGF-1 is created in the liver by GH, upon interacting with insulin. So, we will be focusing on the usage and benefits of IGF-1, rather than GH, as it seems more cost effective and directly related to our purpose of optimizing recovery.
In short, IGF-1 increases steroidogenic acute regulatory protein STAR),and cholesterol side chain cleaving enzyme cyp 11A. These are both rate-limiting steps and are critical factors for converting cholesterol into hormones, such as testosterone. IGF-1 also has the ability to increase the concentration of steroidogenic enzymes in the testes, such as 3b HSD. IGF-1 can also increase the testes sensitivity to LH and hCG by increasing the number of LH receptors.


There is some controversy surrounding this, but lets get something clear.. Sarms wont allow you to achieve full recovery of HPTA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis ive put that in bold because its important to remember, in order to recover completely you need to stop taking the sarm.. or do this..
Week 1 of pct take 25mg ed of ostarine..
week 2 take 12mg ed of ostarine..
week 3 take 6 mg of ostarine..
week 4 no ostarine…

This will allow for a greater amount of selective androgen receptor binding to MUSCLE during the period where cortisol is highest, straight after finishing your cycle.. It will help hold on to that hard earned muscle while IGF starts to take effect.. My feeling is because ostarine mildly increases circulating estrogen, your strength will continue to climb, and it seems to help the overall health of your organism during a stressful time. Remember estrogen is important, we just don’t want it binding in the wrong places.
The anabolic effect of Ostarine is then tapered off allowing for full testicular recovery, people who have followed this protocol have remarked at how big they looked during and after PCT.. another aspect of both IGF and ostarine, is increased nutrient uptake and partioning.. superb during a catabolic period, you are literally saving your muscles.


For me there is only one peptide i can truly advocate in pct.. perhaps two..
They would be Ipamorelin because it has no direct effect on prolactin or cortisol which if increased can have an inhibitory affect on recovery…and its pretty good at promoting GH .. hence increased natural production of IGF the known marker for improved GH output.
Second would be CJC with DAC as the GH bleed could be used to magnify the affects of IGF as the constant bleed will increase IGF substantially.

Adding these together gives you a pretty sick stack for holding onto your muscle and preventing the catabolic effects of increased cortisol.
Keep this important aspect in mind..

IGF-1 increases steroidogenic acute regulatory protein STAR),and cholesterol side chain cleaving enzyme cyp 11A. Eat more cholesterol while using IGF and that equates to far more testosterone being produced. Its simple and it works.